dirtSimple.orgwhat stands in the way, becomes the way


Not Enough Nothing

There’s a funny thing about creating.  When you create, you make something out of nothing.  But what if you don’t have any nothing to make something from?It sounds kind of stupid, but it’s really not.  It’s all too easy to get your head full of lots...

Little Secret, Big Life

I just got back from Las Vegas a few days ago.  My wife was there for the annual International Lingerie Show – a show which, despite its provocative-sounding title, is just another boring trade show.  I didn’t even bother visiting it myself...

Attention Means Attention

So I finished reading Bypassing the Will, and now I understand why virtually every self-help book tells you not to expose yourself to negative people, news, or attitudes. That stuff goes straight to your brain! Specifically, it can go straight to...

Moving Mind Hacks into “Production”

Software developers talk about the difference between “hacks” – things they’re playing around with – and “production”, which is the stuff that people actually use and depend on.Software hacks aren’t often very easy to move into production, and the...

The Heart of The Resistance

Well, for about a week after I got back from PyCon I was doing great. I was burning up my to-do lists like there was no tomorrow. Excited, enthusiastic, stretching my abilities and loving every minute of it. I was in hyper-productivity beyond any...

Death in a Pile of Unfinished Projects

I’ve known for a very long time that I have a problem with “finishing” things. Often it’s because my vision keeps moving forward as I approach it – I’m always seeing how much better the thing could be than what I’ve done on it so far.But there are...

Are You a DaVinci?

Are You a DaVinci?An inspiring movie, on a site promoting a book called The DaVinci Method. I’ve already bought the e-book version and read it – it has been quite an eye-opener for me. I’ll probably have more to say about the book in a later...

Stretching Your Self

It was Wednesday morning when I learned how to do it. My limbs were stiff and sore from sitting at the conference tables all day on Monday and Tuesday. My whole body was in some degree of pain. I needed to work out the knots somehow. But how?In the...

What’s your problem, anyway?

To date, this blog has mostly been about my problems. But recently I find myself running out of problems to solve, and the ones that are left are getting a lot smaller. So what about your problems? I can’t promise personal responses to all, or even...

Pleasure, Prediction, Progress

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how fear is a future-predicting mechanism. But as it turns out, so is pleasure, according to this article about new research into the physiology of pleasure:According to Cabanac, pleasure can only be a transient...



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Cover photo of "A Minute To Unlimit You" by PJ Eby
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