Over the years, there have been many, many failed attempts to create alternative VMs for Python, in the hopes of increasing program performance. Even if we ignore the many half-finished Python-to-Parrot translator projects still lurching erratically...
It all started a couple days ago, when Ian Bicking posted about his attempt at using generic functions for a simple JSON-ification task.Then, Rene Dudfield posted comments to the effect that generic functions were a poor fit for the task, and slower...
When Kevin Dangoor sent me the TurboGears announcement yesterday, and I went to check the site out, the first thing that impressed me was the page on the Kid template language. I just had to click over to the main Kid site to check it out.The truth...
Okay, so TurboGears is cool. Not because it’s another Python web framework, but because it’s a… megaframework? Okay, so it’s not a framework, but what the heck is a megaframework?Not that I have a better name for it, mind you. It is definitely a new...
Last week, I started to describe SCALE, the Syntax for Configuration And Language Extension. I haven’t had enough time yet to actually implement it, but this evening I was able to whip up an implementation of its low-level parser. As it turns out...
In XML.com: Should Python and XML Coexist?, Uche Ogbuji liberally quotes from and analyzes two of my XML-v.-Python rants, and actually gets it completely right. Since at least one of those rants has been cited as meaning I think XML is the spawn of...
Well, we’re about as prepared as we’re going to get. Nothing to do but wait, and take advantage of the simple amenities like TV, air conditioning, and internet service while they last. I’ve been doing some OSAF work, and answering emails generally...
It’s interesting to look at the Ruby Gems project documentation, as it’s amazingly similar in some ways to Python Eggs. Well, similar to what I want eggs to be, anyway. Eggs have got an awful lot of Python-oriented and plugin-oriented features that...
Well, it’s finally official. Chandler’s parcel.xml format is now deprecated and will soon be gone altogether, replaced entirely by simple Python APIs. Some of you may be thinking back to my Python Is Not Java rant, in which I said that using XML for...
My patch to implement PEP 342 is now in the Python CVS trunk. It probably could’ve gotten there sooner, but I’ve been terribly busy. I decided to go ahead and check it in now, rather than waiting until I’d polished every possible thing, so there are...
Python Eggs are popping up everywhere now. The Trac project will apparently become the first extensible, open-source Python application to use eggs as a plugin format. (I had thought Chandler would have earned that distinction, but it’s going to be...
Backward compatibility is a blessing for users and a curse for developers, but often the only way to move a technology forward is by providing backward compatibility. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce setuptools and EasyInstall version 0...